Dear Colleagues,
The ASTC team aims to establish a culture of opportunity and encouragement for all students. We apply everything we know about learning, teaching, and institutional needs to foster a learner-centered space.
All who are involved at the ASTC are dedicated to supporting our academic departments, campus programs, and services, and we take great pride in collaborating with the campus community.
We welcome all ideas and feedback and our door is always open. Please stop by the ASTC on any of our three campuses or give us a call anytime.
Thank you for your interest in and support of the ASTC!
“The ASTC has helped me improve my study skills.” – Robert Rincon, Jr.
The Goals for ASTC Students:
Referring Students to Tutoring
Academic Support Services is currently working to implement an Early Alert System for staff and faculty to identify specific needs for students and to direct those students to help. And, in some cases, this comes from the ASTC.
In the meantime, please refer students to the ASTC office in Room 114 at the Fairfield campus.
Suggested Text for Your Syllabus:
The Academic Success and Tutoring Center (ASTC) provides support, guidance, and resources to empower Solano students to become strong, independent, and active participants in both their academic and professional pursuits. Recently relocated to the new Library and Learning Resource Center in room 114, the ASTC delivers free quality tutoring, offers a supportive place to study independently or in groups, hosts student success workshops, and provides knowledgeable referrals to college and community resources.
Contact Information:
Phone number: 707-864-7000, ext. 7230
Classroom Presentations and ASTC Tours:
An ASTC team member can come to your classroom in the first few weeks of the semester to present a 5-10 minute orientation of ASTC services. Instructors can also schedule a tour for your class. If you are interested, please call the main campus ASTC at 707-864-7000, ext. 7230 or email us at
Refer Potential Tutors to ASTC
Since ASTC peer tutors are also SCC students, we encourage faculty to send candidates to any ASTC for employment information. All peer tutors must, at minimum:
An ASTC Specialist and the Coordinator will meet with potential tutors for an informal interview, and all of those selected will be trained in tutor pedagogy.
Faculty recommendations are paramount to a robust tutor pool. Tutors familiar with an instructor’s curriculum and teaching style are often our most effective employees. Please use the Instructor Referral Form to make a recommendation.
Embedded Tutor Program *Embedded program currently on hold*
The ASTC has opportunities for faculty members to host embedded tutors in their courses. The embedded tutor program aims to support classroom activities and/or courses with labs in various academic departments. Instructors may request an embedded tutor by submitting the ASTC Embedded Request form at the front desk of the main campus ASTC. Requests are approved based on need, availability, and funding.
Participation in ASTC Student Success Workshops
The ASTC offers free, 50-minute Student Success Workshops throughout the year to all students. Workshop topics include study skills, the writing process, Canvas support, and optimal performance in the classroom, among others. The ASTC can offer any topic so long as it speaks to student success.
There are funds to pay faculty for these workshops. Staff and faculty interested in presenting or who want more information regarding student success workshops should contact the ASTC Coordiantor Lauren Taylor-Hill at or 707-864-7000 ext. 5452.
Instructors in the ASTC
Some instructors hold office hours and/or volunteer time in the ASTC. This is a huge benefit to the ASTC, and it especially benefits the student who may be more comfortable talking with an instructor in an ASTC setting than in an office. If you are interested, please contact the ASTC.